大家好,《变形金刚》电影简介英文翻译相信很多的网友都不是很明白,包括变形金刚3 的英文电影简介也是一样,不过没有关系,接下来就来为大家分享关于《变形金刚》电影简介英文翻译和变形金刚3 的英文电影简介的一些知识点,大家可以关注收藏,免得下次来找不到哦,下面我们开始吧!
一、变形金刚3 的英文电影简介
2、About 50 years ago, a ship from cyber jotham spaceship crashed the moon, initiated and u.s.s.r.opened of the space race. Time back to the beginning of the 21st century, car finally defeat decepticon invasion, then and human cooperation and common to defend the beautiful earth. In order to prevent the decepticon find energy column debacle, optimus prime and comrade in arms to fly to the moon, more from the shuttle car rescued the XianDai leader- the natural enemy. However the natural enemy but and decepticons have greater conspiracy and crisis hidden in the moonlight shadow back!
1、Transformers and Transformers II were both American sci-fi films. They talked about some kind of living mechanical organisms called Autobot and could transform into any thing, which live far away in another planet Cybertron but came to Earth to recover an important object called Allspark, a mystical talisman,which they had lost tens of years ago when one of their space ships had crash into Earth. The object's location map happened to be engraved on a pair of glasses, which has a great power to whoever possesses it.
2、Of course there were two kinds of Autobots in the films, one group were good guys and others were bad guys. The good guys were teamed up with an Earth high school nerd Sam Witwicky, the grandson of the glasses's owner, Captain Witwicky, when he bought an old sport car, later knew that it has a name, Bumblebee. From there on, in order not to let the bad Autobots to possess and control of the Allspark, he and the Autobots lead by Optimus Prime with another school girl, Mikaela Banes who Sam fancies a lot had gone through a very exciting adventure.
3、All in all the two films were so good, so exciting from the beginning to the end. It was most enjoyable watching them.
5、故事中当然是有两种Autobots了,一种是好的,另一种则是坏蛋.好的一批与地球的一名怪诞学生Sam合作,在Autobots的领袖Optimus Prime的带领和另一位Sam喜爱的女学生一起,经历了场紧张刺激的遭遇.
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